Rock and Mulch Bed Weed Control
Weeds are a nuisance, but they don’t have to be. Valley Green Companies offers weed control across the entire yard, from mulch and rock beds to empty lots and bare ground. For weed control for your main lawn, see our lawn care services page.
Weed Control From Valley Green Companies
Rock and Mulch Beds
When it comes to your rock and mulch beds, you definitely don’t want unsightly weeds poking up and ruining the look of your manicured landscape. We can reduce the weeds so you don’t have to pull them anymore!
Our weed control treatment – delivered in four applications (spring, early summer, summer, and fall) – will not harm the desirable plantings you’ve worked hard to cultivate over the years. This treatment, however, is not available to be used where annuals are planted.
Empty Lots
Empty lots can be a haven for dandelions, clover, thistle, creeping charlie and many other types of weeds. We offer treatments for which will control up to 85% of the actively growing weeds during each of our visits.
During the growing season, weeds germinate daily, so you will most likely have new weeds growing within 3 weeks after an application. To keep the weeds in check and stop them from overtaking your lot, we recommend scheduling weed control treatments every 6 weeks.
Bare Ground
Gravel driveways, parking lots, fenced in areas with rock or any other area where nothing of value grows and mowing and pulling weeds is not practical are easily dealt with by Valley Green Companies. We will treat these areas with a variety of products which can control weeds anywhere from 30 days up to the entire season.
Safe, Effective Weed Control
If you want a weed-free lot, driveway, rock and mulch bed, or other areas outside of your lawn, you’ll need weed control from Valley Green Companies.
Weeds will grow back in a month or so, so keep in mind that treatments are needed throughout the growing season in most cases.
If you have any other questions about weed control, be sure to check out our FAQ section, and if you’re ready to give those weeds what they deserve, contact us today!
Weed Control FAQ
How It Works
How does Valley Green control my weeds?
We use a variety of different weed control products depending on the situation. All of our products are liquid based.
Can Valley Green control all of the weeds on my property?
Usually you will see a reduction in weeds of about 85%. No one can guarantee all weeds will be controlled, but this level of control should last for about three weeks typically.
Do you treat commercial properties?
We have more than a decade of experience controlling commercial properties for weeds, from golf courses to theme parks and restaurants.
How do I schedule an appointment?
You can schedule an appointment by phone or online.
What if my weed control question isn’t answered here?
If you have questions which aren’t answered in the FAQ, please, give us a call and we would be happy to answer. No question is a silly question!
What happens if it rains after an application?
The weed control may be affected depending on the amount of rain. Please wait at least 14 days after the treatment to see the full results before calling to request a re-treatment.
How long will it be before the weeds die after a treatment?
Depending on weather conditions, it may take up to 14 days for complete control. You will notice weeds curling a few days after an effective treatment. The dead weeds will not disintegrate quickly, but rather remain dead until removed. Please wait at least 14 days after the treatment to see the full results before calling to request a re-treatment.
When can pets or children play in the area after an application?
When weed controls have been applied we ask they stay off the area until this product dries, which usually takes 1-3 hours.
How trustworthy is Valley Green?
Valley Green Companies is one of the longest continuously operating weed control companies in central Minnesota. We have been providing professional weed control treatments since 1990. We also provide excellent customer service and offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee when you sign up for a full-season program.
Treatment Length/Number Of Sessions
Can you get rid of my Creeping Charlie?
Creeping Charlie is a very persistent weed. It will take multiple applications to control this problem but it will happen. We also offer free weed control service calls and will return free of charge between scheduled visits if necessary.
How long is a treatment session?
Treatment time depends on the size of the area, but typically weed control takes between 30-60 minutes with our professional applicators.
When will the treatment happen?
We treat properties as the weather permits. Your treatment program can start within a week or so of contacting us. We can treat the area whether you are present or not. We cannot apply weed control while it is raining, but once it is dry it can be applied.
How many sessions will I need?
Typically, for full-season coverage, your property will need to be treated in four applications – spring, early summer, summer, and fall, about every four weeks.
Why do I need more than one session?
During the growing season, weeds germinate daily, so you will most likely have new weeds growing within 3 weeks after an application. To keep the weeds in check and stop them from overtaking your lot, we recommend scheduling weed control treatments about every four weeks.
Why Choose Valley Green Companies For Weed Control?
Valley Green Companies has highly-trained, professional technicians who can provide weed-free beds and other spaces for you. Click here to learn more about our weed control program, or contact us if you have additional questions which weren’t answered here. Thank you for choosing Valley Green Companies!